WANTED – Teens and Adults To Train Horses!

The BLM, Mustang Heritage Foundation and FitzGerald Farms
Teens and Oregon Mustangs

Teens and Oregon Mustangs | BLM Yearling Training Event

Oregon teens and adults compete to gentle and ground train BLM Yearling and Oregon Mustangs for riding in 98 days. Competitors will compete for a trophy saddle and championship belt buckle for first prize and belt buckles through 5th place with their demonstration of in-hand trail, riding, showmanship, and body conditioning with other Oregon teens and adults.

Teens and Oregon Mustangs is a BLM and Mustang Heritage Foundation Youth & Yearling Training Event

Mustang Heritage | Wild Horse and Burro Program

Open to all Youth equestrians in Oregon – OSET, FFA, 4-H, or other equine club involved 10-18 year olds, and adults.
